Finance Report

10-23-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

We are presenting to you last year’s financial report from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. As usual, I want to thank you for your generosity. Please note that Plate income was over our projected budget, and while the total Operating Cash shows a deficit, it is much less than the projected budget. We are moving in the right direction.

With inflation and increased activities in the parish, our expenses this year will be greater than last year. Also, our staff received increases in their pay, as usual, so next year’s budget is higher. As promised, we were able to purchase new air-conditioners for our church thanks to your donations to Centered in Christ.

A few weeks ago I asked you to consider increasing your Sunday offering. Many people continue to give the same every week, even though they may have received increases in their income. Please pray and consider what you are able to give so that we can continue to build our parish programs and offer even more for you and your family. Our Faith Direct program is a great way to budget your offerings and it helps us budget our expenses. Almost half of you use Faith Direct, but that was down a little from the past year.

Again, than you for your faithful stewardship of the blessings our Lord provides you.