I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches

04-28-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

This week we hear Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” This is a reminder that Jesus desires to be connected to us – to be in a relationship. He invites us to remain in him so that he might remain in us. So what does that mean? How do we stay connected to Jesus? To his peace, truth and goodness?

Staying connected to Jesus is work. It takes effort like any relationship. I have found that over the years that it is important to be intentional in the way you stay united. It takes discipline and commitment to things like Sunday Mass, regular prayer, spiritual reading, sacrificial giving and service, friends in faith and a community. While none of these are perfect they all help us to stay connected.

Staying connected with parishioners is an important role as the pastor. That is why I try to keep you updated in the bulletin, mid-week check in’s, Facebook and our webpage. These methods of communication keep us connected and enrich our personal gatherings for Mass and events here at the parish. Of course, every individual and family is different and I hope you find the best way to connect to your faith through our parish. It is a place of encounter – with Jesus the vine and the many branches that make up this special community.

I want to thank you for your time and attention last week as I shared the update on the “Building our Spiritual Home Campaign” and invited you to make a pledge if you had not yet done so in the past few years. As of this printing, we have received over 300 envelope replies and they are being processed. If you were gone last weekend there are pamphlets on the giving table. Myself or members of the committee are willing to answer any questions you might have about the campaign.

Here is the quote I shared from G.K. Chesterton, “When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted, or take them with gratitude.” I am grateful for your generosity and trust in the Lord.

This Wednesday is the first of May, the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker as well as the first day of a month dedicated to the Blessed Mother that is filled with graduations, end of school celebrations, May Crowning’s and Mother’s Day. Don’t let the month just pass by – celebrate the gift of faith, family and friendships.

It has been over a month now since we did the parish consecration to the Holy Eucharist. In the centerfold of the bulletin is a reminder of our consecration so we can keep it fresh in our minds this Easter season. Take a moment and pray it this week, perhaps at Adoration or in front the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel. He is our strength on the journey.

Grace, peace and joy in the Risen Lord,

Fr. Fred