Dear Parishioners,
This weekend is that last weekend before we enter into our Lenten journey on February 14th – Ash Wednesday. We finish up Ordinary Time for now with the Gospel of Mark and the story of Jesus’ healing a leper. The leper in confidence said to Jesus, “if you wish, you can make me clean.” What a powerful statement by one who was labeled unclean and unworthy to be part of the community.
We must trust that Jesus wishes all those who feel unclean and unworthy to connect with Him and his healing and forgiveness. It is a good story for us to leap into Lent – to turn to God’s healing grace provided through His Son’s gift of life. We all desire to be made clean and it is only through our closeness the Lord and his grace that we are truly healed.
This Lent our theme is Renew and Save us, O Lord. Together we take time to be marked with ashes and journey to a deeper awareness of God’s saving grace in our lives. There will be many traditional Lenten practices this year such as extra Confession times, Friday soup and stations, Bible studies, classes, faith discussion groups and additional hours for Adoration.
In particular, we are inviting you to make a Eucharistic Consecration with the book, 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory. You can start the journey on different days to end up on special feast days or begin on Ash Wednesday as part of the Best Lent Ever – with daily support though Dynamic Catholic ministries. Throughout Lent and Easter the centerfold of our bulletin will be dedicated to our journey together so we can grow in our personal holiness, our relationship with the Lord and others, and find strength to share the good news – Jesus is Risen, He saves us.
I want to bring your attention to the recent statement put out by the Bishops of Arizona regarding the efforts to change to the Arizona State Constitution – “Arizona Abortion Access Act.” The Bishops have urged citizens to not sign or endorse the signature campaign to put this on the ballot in November, as its goal is to make it a constitutional right to unrestricted abortion here in Arizona. You can view more information on our webpage. Our Sanctity of Life Ministry is always an excellent parish resource to help us in all the issues that surround the dignity of human life from conception until natural death.
Remember – February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day but also Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our Lenten journey. Masses with the distribution of Ashes will be at 9:00am, 12:00 noon and 6:00pm.
Peace, light and wisdom in Christ,
Fr. Fred