3rd Sunday of Lent

03-03-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

We begin our third week of Lent this weekend. I pray it has been a journey of spiritual renewal and growth so far. After Stations of the Cross a few weeks ago the muscles in my legs were sore from being stretched and used in ways that I am not used to – 14 times up and down kneeling on the floor. It made me think that in the same way the Lord wants to stretch our hearts and minds to His love and mercy during Lent through the spiritual exercises we take on during this special season.

Stretching the heart to forgive, trust, recognize Christ in a stranger and love our enemy can cause a bit of discomfort, but discomfort for the Lord as he calls us to grow in his love. I think that is why Lent is not always the easiest season as Catholics. As the saying goes…no pain, no gain. Maybe that is true also for our spiritual lives. May the Lord give us courage and strength this Lent to stay focused on Him.

This week the Gospel is a story of Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple area. His rage is because the money changers had built a profitable business in gouging the pilgrims who had left their homes to make the necessary sacrifices and were at the mercy of these money changers. The pilgrim’s hearts were set on offering to God the necessary sacrifice out of obedience and faith to God. The money changers saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of these people. It was sort of a “tourist/pilgrim trap.” The response by Jesus was justified anger that money changers were making it hard to fulfill their commitment to His heavenly Father. His overturning the tables brought great attention and many thought he was against the worship in the Temple – which he was not, rather he was upset that there were roadblocks being placed in front of the hard working pilgrims desiring to express their love for His Father.

I hope you are finding the various opportunities being offered here in the parish helpful on your Lenten journey. If you did not start the 33 days to Eucharistic Glory book, you can do so at any time and I would encourage it. The book takes you step by step, day by day to a deeper commitment to the Eucharist with a deeper understanding and love of what a gift is in our lives. We will continue the Eucharistic Renewal throughout the Easter Season and the consecration can be made at anytime.

Again – take time to pray at home, in your car, come to Adoration and Divine Mercy Devotion on Wednesdays or Stations on Friday. Taking time for the Lord truly makes a difference in the journey. Remember it is never too late to start for the Lord… He is always waiting. Repent – turn away from the distractions of life and toward Jesus, our Savior and source of peace.

Lenten peace and joy in Christ,

Fr. Fred