5th Sunday of Lent

03-17-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

As of Sunday, March 17 – we are 33 days into our Lenten journey. More than halfway to Holy Week and Easter. For those of you who have been praying the 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory it is the day we complete and make our consecration as individuals. As a parish – Fr. Ryan and I will consecrate the community on Holy Thursday in the parish Garden of Repose at 9:00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us in the garden (parish hall) as we pray and keep watch with our Lord on Holy Thursday Eve. Last year I prayed in the actual Garden of Gethsemane – it is a night I will never forget. Many of the olive trees in the garden are thought to be off shoots of the trees from the time of Jesus. To sit in that same place and soak it all in under an almost full moon was a gift.

The journey of Eucharistic Renewal continues and I am pleased we have Michael John Poirier here at the Masses this weekend as well as him being present for an Evening of Eucharistic Prayer - Holy Hour for Families on Wednesday, March 20th in the Church from 6:45 – 7:45pm. He will lead us in prayer and song to help us deepen our journey with the Eucharistic Lord. I encourage you to make time for this with your family. If you have never been to a Eucharistic Holy Hour allow the Lord to welcome you to be with him and the community. Graces and healing always flow from our time with Him. It is late for young people but can be a beautiful way to end the night as a family and prepare for Holy Week and the celebration of Easter. More information is in the Lenten centerfold of the bulletin.

We are now in the Passiontide with the image of the Crucified Lord covered as well as the statues in the Church. We are keeping the lights lowered in Church between Masses and playing Benedictine Lenten chant music to help create a place of quiet for you to enter as we prepare for the Lord’s passion. Please try to honor the quiet allowing fellow parishioners time for prayer before and after Mass.

Look ahead and plan to join us for the liturgies of Holy Week. They are always special and help us to grow deeper in the virtues of faith, hope and love. Take time from the busyness of life to be quiet with the Lord as we meditate on His passion, death and resurrection that give new meaning to our lives.

United in prayer as we head into this special time – the true High Holy Days of our Catholic faith.

Lenten peace and joy,

Fr. Fred

P.S. Saint Patrick’s Day blessings to the Irish and those who wish they were on this special day.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.