Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord

01-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany this weekend we are in the last days of the Christmas Season. This day reminds us of two things; first, the message of Christ is meant to reach far and wide to distant lands; second, the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh have a deep meaning of who Jesus is and what the wise men believe. Gold is meant for a King, frankincense is used to honor the holy and divine and myrrh is an oil used to anoint the body at death. Each reveal something about this Newborn Child and His destiny for all mankind.

We are sending you home today with a gift of blessed chalk and holy water along with a Prayer of Blessing for your home. It is a way to start the New Year on this special day remembering that it is in our homes that we grow in wisdom, charity and knowledge of God. The Church is the place where we gather in community prayer to praise and worship God, to support one another on our faith journey and to grow in our witness of His love. But it is in the home where we practice what we strive to be in Christ Jesus. May this blessing be a constant reminder that the home is a special place for God’s divine love to dwell in hearts that follow His will.

As we prepare to close the Christmas Season with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on Monday, January 8th, I would like to express my gratitude to God for the many blessings He has shown to us on our journey through Advent and Christmas. I hope you have found the beautiful art work on our worship aids and bulletins as well as the space on our worship aids for taking a few notes helpful in developing the habit of listening and being attentive to the way the Lord speaks in our time of Worship.

I want to thank the countless number of people, staff and volunteers, who gave of themselves to help greet, decorate, offer hospitality, sing and serve. I am humbled and grateful for the way you embrace the care of your parish.

Finally, thank you for the plates, boxes, bags of goodies, cards and gifts. They were all an expression of your relationship with the Lord, your parish and Fr. Ryan and myself. We are both grateful to serve here at the parish and pray that our lives, like Saint John the Baptist, point to the Lord. The one who is the source of peace, light and joy.

So one final Merry Christmas to all of you.

Peace, light and blessings in the Lord,

Fr. Fred