Fourth Sunday of Advent

12-24-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

This bulletin reflection is for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, that this year is one full day! It has been a beautiful journey to ready ourselves for the coming of Our Lord; to Be Watchful—Be Alert—Listen. As we now prepare in our final day to celebrate Christmas...the Birth of Christ our Savior.

This is a special time of year filled with family, friends, gatherings, food and memories. It can seem to go by fast and before we know it the tree is down and life is back to “normal”. Don’t let the mystery of the time between Christmas Eve and the Feast of the Epiphany slip by without spending some time reflecting on the great mystery of God becoming man. That He chose to be with us, to humble Himself and become like us in all things but sin. He came to speak our language, to live our lives, to suffer our pains, and to show us true love. Amazing to think of the God of all creation becoming man as a tiny infant. It surprised many and continues to perplex people of the world.

I love the image of the crèche and the infant Jesus. It reminds me that God’s plan always starts with the small and vulnerable. Human life must be protected and guarded early on but as it grows in grace it becomes far reaching and filled with truth, love and mercy. The same infant we see lying on a bed of straw we will reverence on the Cross on Good Friday. God’s love is unfathomable and astonishing.

I encourage you to take time with your family to pray before your crèche at home or here at the parish. Kneel down, quiet your spirit and adore the newborn King—Jesus. Take time to thank God for your faith and invite the Lord Jesus to come deeper into your heart and family life. Ask Him, who is Light, to dispel the darkness that can invade family life. Pray for peace in your family and our world. Sing Silent Night. Make it a family tradition to renew your love for one another around the crèche. Come let us adore Him.

As pastor, I want to wish all of you a Blessed Christmas and express on behalf of Fr. Ryan and myself our deep gratitude for your generosity to us during the Christmas Season and throughout the year. We may put on a few pounds from all the cookies and goodies shared, but they are much appreciated. This truly is a community that is striving for personal holiness, Godly relationships and Christian witness in our world. God’s blessings abound. Enjoy this last week of 2023 with time spent with the Lord and with your loved ones— family and friends. Christmas peace and joy!

Fr. Fred