In Gratitude

10-22-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

This weekend we express our gratitude to God for Fr. Simon and his generous service to this parish. I have known Fr. Simon over the years since his arrival in the United States, but have definitely gotten to know him better once he was assigned here at Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and most recently since I arrived as pastor. Living together, sharing a meal, prayer and working side by side with him in ministry has been a joy.

His last official day with us will be Thu, Nov 2 but we are having the official farewell/gratitude day this weekend—Sun, Oct 22. He will be around at all the Masses and we will officially recognize and honor him after the 11:00am Mass in the parish hall with a formal recognition around 12:30pm.

I always like to think of the ways I have seen God shine through the lives of people who he has placed in our lives. I am sure many of you can think of ways God has shined through Fr. Simon and the witness of Christ he has been to you. Some that come to mind—his pastoral presence and ability to listen, his joyful love for the Lord and people, his reverence and respect for the liturgy, Sacraments and prayers of the Church, his love for families and young people, and his great love for this parish. Just as wonderful, has been the great love I have seen you show to Fr. Simon. This is true community, collaboration and Christian unity—forming relationships in Christ that are lasting.

Let us send Fr. Simon forth with great love and blessings in Christ. I have told him he should always consider this his home in America—because that is what it has become. He goes forth strengthened and loved by this community. He will forever be a son of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Fred