Diocesan Capital Campaign

08-28-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

I know many of us have forgotten our Diocesan Capital Campaign, Together Let us Go Forth, but it is still collecting pledges. I thank those of you who continue to honor your pledge by sending in your donation to the Diocese. As you may remember, we receive 35% of your donation; it is sent to us twice a year from the money received by the Diocese. I am happy to announce we have just received $13,000 from your donations these past 6 months.

One of the times our portion of your donation is sent to us is in August, which is very helpful. August and July are our most difficult months financially because many parishioners are gone on vacation. I thank those who use Faith Direct because we do continue to receive your donations every month. I am always so thankful for your faithful stewardship of God’s blessings in your lives.