RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

07-24-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

It is hard to believe it is almost August. That means schools will be starting soon and families will be back from vacations. It is always a transition time for many in our community: starting school for the first time, moving on to high school or college, and for parents this is also a time of change. Please remember all of our families in your prayers during these exciting and challenging times.

This is also a time when many of our programs start again. Our staff is working hard to prepare and volunteers are also “gearing up. I especially want to focus our attention on our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes. I invite all of us to think about someone we can invite to join in our Catholic faith. I know many attend Mass with their spouses but are not Catholic and I want to personally invite you to consider opening your hearts to our Lord.

RCIA is for those who are not baptized Christians. The first couple of months are simply a “come and see”, a time to consider without making any commitment. We also have programs for Christians who would like to join our Catholic Church and for adult Catholics who have not celebrated Confirmation or even First Holy Communion. We truly would like to welcome you into full communion with us.