Change in Mass Schedule May 2-6

04-28-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

Sunday, May 8 is Mother’s Day. As you are honoring your mothers, grandmothers, godmothers...etc., please remember our Blessed Mother in a special way as well. It is a good time to teach your children also, that as Catholics we honor Mary as our mother.

Also, please remember that Monday and Tuesday of this week all priests in our diocese will be away from Monday afternoon until late Tuesday afternoon. Please pray for us. In addition to some continuing education, this is a time for us to get together and honor those celebrating special anniversaries and to celebrate a mass for all priests who have died in the past year. There will be no morning Mass on Tuesday.

Finally, we can celebrate because our new air-conditioners for the church have arrived and will be installed this week (before summer)! Thanks to all who have given to our capital campaign. Masses on Wednesday-Friday will be in the Parish Center or in the old parish hall in the office building.

We are still celebrating Easter season, so have a blessed Easter!