Lots Happening in February

01-30-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

The month of February is a very busy month for us and I want to mention just a few of the events coming:

  1. This Thursday, is the Feast of St. Blaise and we will celebrate the Blessing of Throats after the 9am Mass and after a Mass at 6:00pm.
  2. Next Saturday the Order of Malta will again host the World Day of Prayer for the Sick Mass here at St. Bernard, televised on EWTN. Bishop Olmsted will be here and anointing is available for those who are seriously ill. Also, on Sunday at our 9am Mass the Knights of Columbus will remember and honor those knights who have died this past year.
  3. Monday, February 7, we will host the relics of Padre Pio from 10:00am-7:00pm. These are traveling relics different from those we have in the parish. There will an evening Mass at 6pm in addition to our morning Mass.
  4. February 12-13 begins our annual Diocesan Charity and Development Appeal.
  5. Finally, February 18-19 we again hot the national “Blessed Is She” women’s retreat, details will be in the bulletin.

I told you this year would be busy and this is just an example. The Holy Spirit is truly blessing us!