Consider Volunteering in one our Ministries

01-16-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

Last week I mentioned some of our liturgical ministries that need some help. Actually, all ministries always need new members as some either move away or decide to stop because of age or other reasons. The strength of a parish community comes from our volunteers and as we get busier we can always use more help.

This includes our organizations and prayer groups. The Knights of Columbus are always open to new men and this is a great way to grow spiritually and to get active in various activities. We are blessed with a number of different prayer opportunities for men, for women, and for both. If you have questions you can call Ryan Ayala, our Director of Marriage and Family life, at the office.

Welcoming engaged couples and those who come to have their children baptized is an important part of any parish. We are blessed with dedicated people serving these important moments, but again, we can always use some help.

Finally our children would be upset if I failed to mention our Coffee and Donuts ministry. The children are asking for it every Sunday!

Thank you for all you do and for your generosity that allows us to continue to grow.