Donate Using Faith Direct

11-07-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

In many parishes, November is the month to talk about your stewardship of God’s gifts. Last week I wrote about tithing and this week I want to mention another important subject.

This year, due to the uncertainty of the Covid virus and our increased activities, our budget is not balanced. We have a small deficit. One thing that helps us budget is our Faith Direct program that so many of you participate in. Faith Direct allows us to know how much we can expect each week; it also allows you to give even if you cannot attend Mass.

For some, they feel a little embarrassed when the offering basket is passed and they do not give anything since they give through Faith Direct. No problem, simply set an amount smaller with Faith Direct and give when you attend Mass.

As I said last week, I thank you for your generosity throughout the year.