Upcoming Events: Nuestros Pequenos Gala, Ministry Fair, Parish Picnic

10-17-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

It is hard to believe that we are half way through October already! As I have been telling you, our parish is getting very busy with activities and I want to make you aware of what is coming up.

The Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos Gala will take place here at our parish on Saturday, October 29. This is their major fundraiser for the year and we are happy to host them. Tickets can be purchased online at NPH South West. The speaker this year is a young man with a very special story; and he is a friend of mine.

The next weekend, October 30-31 we will host a Ministry Fair after all Masses. This is a great opportunity for you to see all that is happening in our parish family and to learn how you can help. Please plan on spending a little time after Mass to visit the various tables in our Parish Center. I am told there will be treats at the fair.

Here we go, the next Sunday, November 7, we will have a parish picnic at McDowell Ranch Park. Please watch the bulletin for more details, but you can put this on your calendars.