We Need Your Participation!

08-22-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

As vacations are over and schools have begun, you will also see our parish bloom and come to life again. Get ready, because things are starting to get moving already.

We have been registering for religious education classes for our children and for Jr. High and High School youth programs. At the end of the month we will be hosting another Blood Drive and next month we begin our Wednesday exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Also next month is our Knights of Columbus Gold Tournament and our celebration of the Feast of St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) with Bishop Olmsted.

All of this and more means that we need you! Yes, we need your participation, but also we will be asking you to consider various ministries. Altar Servers have already begun and we need more so that we can have three at every mass. Other liturgy ministries are also needed, including Ushers and hospitality, Catechists and youth ministry help are always needed. Please pray and see if God is asking for your help.