Make God Present in the Little Ways

08-15-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. Michael Straley

OK, I admit, I have been watching the Olympics occasionally. Usually I just check to see what is on and watch if I am interested. The other I suddenly became aware of how many athletes were referencing God before or after their event. Yes, some made the sign of the cross, others just pointed up (to God), and there were others. I then became aware of how many were wearing crosses or crucifixes during their event.

I am not saying all of them are “super Christians” or even very religious. I did find it interesting that our secular world so many did reference God, no matter what their purpose. I find a little hope in that, and in our world today, a little hope is nice to find.

That led me to think of how often we make God present in little ways. Yes, going to church on Sundays, and even making the Lord’s Day Holy, is important. But it is also a great sign when we pause at a restaurant to thank God before or after eating. Even if the only ones who see it are the servers, it is still one of those small signs we are all called to remember. Thank you for all the ways you make our Lord know in our world.