Solemnity of Pentecost

05-19-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

We celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost this weekend. This Feast Day is often referred to as the birthday of the Church because, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the disciples are emboldened and empowered to go out and share the Good News. They are transformed from confused and afraid to courageous and spirited people of God. The Church grows from that moment and we, here at Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, are a fruit of that first Pentecost.

We must keep in mind that it is the Holy Spirit that still motivates the Church. In the great hymn of the Church, Veni Sancte Spiritus, we invite the Spirit to shine, fill, heal, renew, wash, bend, melt, warm, guide and give joy to us as a people of God. Without the Holy Spirit we wander aimlessly without a true compass to follow Jesus. This is a great day of renewal for us as a community and as individuals.

There are two lists – one the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the other the Fruits of the Holy Spirit – in the centerfold of the bulletin. Look these over, and like the hymn, invite the Spirit into your lives. If you have been Confirmed – you have the grace… allow it to open and flourish in your lives. God, the Holy Spirit, never forces himself upon us – we must invite Him to action in our lives. Come Holy Spirit, Come!

What is beautiful about this day is that it teaches us that the Gospel spreads from one person to the next through encounter and invitation. This is especially important for us to remember in the times we live in today. While there are many forms of communication, messaging and social media, nothing replaces the personal encounter and witness of a Christian to another person. That is why I continually encourage you to invite friends, neighbors and coworkers to be part of our Community of Faith. They have their own journey, but our invitation, care and witness truly makes a difference. The human heart was made to be in relationship with God, a God who creates us in love, saves us in Jesus and empowers us in the Holy Spirit to then go out and share the Good News.

This weekend at the 11:00am Sunday Mass, we are recognizing the members of our Community from the graduating class of 2024. High school graduation is an important step in life. While I am always proud of these young people, I am more excited for what lies ahead in their journey... how they discern the path God desires them to take in life. Most of us remember those high school days and can now see they were truly the years that launched us into where we are today. We know that young people today face unique challenges, times have changed, but God and His love remains constant. We pray that these young people will stay close to God, the Church and the deep seeds of faith planted by their parents, family and this faith community. Congratulations class of 2024!

Pentecost completes the Easter Season and we return to Ordinary time. The next two weeks are special Sundays for us to focus on two important realities of our Catholic lives that help us in our ordinary days. These are the gift of the Most Holy Trinity and the Body and Blood of Jesus. I always look forward to exploring what both of these mean in our lives. Each year is an opportunity to learn, grow and deepen our confidence and love in the Lord.

So for one last time this Easter 2024... He is Risen, Alleluia! Alleluia! Indeed He is Risen! May we live our daily lives as Easter people rejoicing always in our Savior and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost blessing in Him,

Fr. Fred