Storms in Life Happen

06-23-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

Today’s Gospel and image is the storm on the sea. It reveals Jesus’ power over the wind and the sea. Who but God, who has such power, would have been in the hearts and minds of the men in the boat. Jesus was revealing to them that, as long as He is with them, they can survive any storm life brings.

Storms in life happen – things do not always go as planned or how we hoped they would. Sudden tragedy or unexpected circumstances unfold in our lives and the lives of people around us. While we cannot always control the “wind and the sea,” what we can do is trust in God– that Jesus is with us in the most tumultuous times in our lives. It does mean surrender and total trust in Him. We should, like the disciples, cry out and awaken him, perhaps rather, awaken our senses that He is in the boat with us. We are not alone.

This encounter with Jesus on the sea was truly meant to help a young growing Church face the storms of life. It helped them focus on Jesus – His power to bring true peace in the midst of chaos, confusion and division. The message is the same for His Church today – in the midst of storms we must trust in Him and realize we are not alone.

Hopefully you are staying cool and beating the beginning of the heat. While activities slow down a bit here at the parish – keep in mind the Church is open for prayer. During the week, the Church is open until at least 4:00pm Monday through Thursday, Fridays until 2:00pm, Saturdays until after the Vigil Mass and Sundays until 1:00pm. Wednesdays, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 3:00pm with the Devotions to Divine Mercy starting at 6:00pm ending with Benediction. Come, sit and be still with the Lord.

A special shout out to Mike Stevens who just completed two terms as Grand Knight. Mike has generously given of his time and talent and we give thanks to God for his service. He has built fraternity among the brothers, assisted in many parish and family events, and provided outreach beyond our community. He has gone the extra mile and we are grateful.

Enjoy your week – remember to look to Jesus in any storm. May He calm the waters of your heart.

Peace and blessings,

Fr. Fred