Most Holy Trinity

05-26-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Fred Adamson

Dear Parishioners,

With the Solemnity of Pentecost, we have completed the Easter Season and are now in Ordinary time. It is a time for us to practice good, Godly order in our lives. This Sunday is the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity and provides us with the opportunity to ponder the mystery of the way God reveals Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit... One God, three persons. Much has been written about the Holy Trinity and about each of the persons of the Trinity. What I f ind most intriguing is that God is a relationship of persons. It reveals to me that God, by His very nature, desires relationship in creating us in His own image. We are created for a relationship with God and with one another.

As children of God, we are created for relationship and community. Living in isolation and disconnection is not good for the human soul. First – strive always to connect to God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I encourage you to practice this connection in some way this week. Talk openly to God the Father – think of the one who created all things good: ourselves, our families, the people we encounter. Come to a deep appreciation for his abiding love and care for us, generation after generation. Visit with Jesus this week – ponder the great gift of the Cross, the Eucharist and the empty tomb. Remember that He calls us friends and wishes that His love would abide in us and us in Him. Finally, don’t forget God the Holy Spirit. Invite Him into your daily life – Come, Holy Spirit, Come! Allow the breath, the movement of the Spirit, to spur you into active discipleship and charity. It is through the Spirit that we encounter the love between Father and Son. We enter into a relationship with these three persons – One God.

A relationship with the Holy Trinity will propel us into relationships with others. We find this in family, friends, co-workers, strangers, neighbors and even enemies or those who are difficult to love. This does not mean that we do not have boundaries and practice wisdom and prudence in relationships but we do always strive to honor and respect the dignity of the other person. We remember that while a person might be broken and fallen they are nonetheless a soul created by God.

Of course this also leads to what we are called to do as disciples – share the Good New with others. That is always in the context of relationship-encounters with others and by invitation. Like a good movie, book or restaurant – we want to share the Goodness of a God who reveals himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It reconnects us to Him and the Church. Glory be to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Blessings in Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Fr. Fred